Saturday, January 26, 2013

Winter Update

It's been quite a while since my last post, and I've decided that it might be time to do an update! It's been really busy since we moved onto our RV. We are normally in a new campground and/or state every two weeks; this being said, our lifestyle is definitely crazy at times. Looking back on the events of last year, I can say that God has blessed my family and I in huge ways. RV living has truly been one amazing ride! I often find myself thinking about how some of my lifes best memories are being made in our travels; I wouldn't trade this time of my life for anything in the world. As for our current location, we are settled in Tennessee.

Over the course of last year we were able to visit many historic places. Instead of just reading about Thomas Jefferson's house or Civil War battlefields, we have had the privilege of actually going to these places.
                            Below are pictures from our trip to James Monroe's house.

Family trip to Mount Vernon


I am so excited to announce that my mother is expecting baby number seven! I have really missed having a newborn around the house. Click here to read more on my mom's blog. I will be nearly 17 when the baby arrives and finally graduated from High school. I have been studying and reading midwifery books since I was 14. After graduation I hope to take some online midwifery classes and begin apprenticing. I have also just ordered a few text books on homeopathy for pregnancy, I'm really looking forward to reading and gaining knowledge from those. Even if I don't become a midwife, I can always use what I've learned when I have a home of my own.

My father heads out for Israel next week. He is going with a wonderful organization called HaYovel, which is set up simply to serve and bless the Jewish people. For more information on how you can get involved and be a part of what God is doing through HaYovel in the land of Israel, simply click here.

Tonight as I look around the RV, I am thankful for all my brothers and sisters, who are sound asleep on the living room floor. I'm thankful for my loving parents, who are always there for me and guide me in the way I should go. I'm thankful for this day of rest given by our loving Creator. I'm thankful for the  Torah that sets us apart.

Shabbat Shalom!



  1. Beautiful post, Victoria. It is so nice to see how you are enjoying your brothers and sisters, even in such close quarters. So many children these days see their siblings as a nuisance, which is so sad! You are a beautiful example to other daughters. :)
    I'm so excited for the new family member!!! What a blessing. <3

  2. Great post Victoria! Thank you sharing your life and heart with your readers. Like the comment above...I echo that you are beautiful example to other daughters.
    Amy Smith

    1. Mrs. Smith,

      Thank you for your encouragement!


  3. Hello Victoria! Beautiful pictures, beautiful post :)
    Our whole family was excited to learn about 'number 7'!

    See you soon (Lord willing!)


  4. It's so good to read an update from you, Victoria! I am so happy that you are to have another sibling!

    I hope I can see you soon!


    1. That is so neat that you have been able to visit many historical places ;-)

  5. Dear Victoria,

    So good to go through your profile on the blogger. I am impressed by your choice to be set apart at the very young age. Good to see your pictures of your trip to Mount Vernon. Well I want to introduce myself and the ministry we are involved in, in the great city of Mumbai, India. We have opportunity for you to come on a short term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai where poorest of poor live and we serve such people. Please read my email which I am sending on your email id. Pastor Diwakar Wankhede, Mumbai, India

  6. I'd love to read another family update!


A Season of Growth and Expectation

 Who else keeps a journal and periodically goes back and reads through it just to see where you were  one year ago to date? Yesterday lookin...